Adelaide Ruiters Mining and Exploration Pty Ltd (ARME) is a 51% South African Black Women Owned Mining and Exploration Company focusing on the exploration of sedimentary phosphates and limestone in the Saldanha Bay area, Western Cape. ARME is also the worlds first and only Woman Owned Phosphate Mining Project.
ARME is currently conducting a Bankable Feasibility Study for its Zandheuvel Sedimentary Phosphate Mine and Beneficiation plant on the farms Zandheuvel 126, a certain portion of Zandheuvel 124, Witteklip 123 Portion 61 and Yzervarkensrug 127 Portion 2 in Saldanha Bay. The proposed mining site is located adjacent to Lafarge and opposite Mittal Steel Saldanha , 150 km from Cape Town Western Cape Province South Africa.
The Aim of the Study is to determine the economic viability to produce a Direct Application Organic Fertiilizer, as a Cheaper Environmentally Friendly Fertilizer option to the South African Farmer and farmers in the SADEC Region..
The Consultants appointed to Project Manage the BFS is VBKOM Maelgwyn Mineral Services Africa is appointed as Metallurgists while AZMET Technology and Projects is appointed as Process Engineers.